Leigo Lake Music 2024 and the Ballet Performance "The Brain"

The evening was warm and calm as the audience gathered by Leigo Lake to witness something extraordinary—the premiere of the ballet "The Brain." The sky was clear and full of stars, providing a perfect backdrop for an event that promised to leave an indelible impression on all present.

Leigo Lake, with its idyllic natural surroundings, was the ideal setting for such a unique artistic experience. The lake's mirror-like surface reflected the play of lights and the dancers' movements, adding a magical dimension to the performance. The audience had taken their seats along the shores, eagerly anticipating the first note and the first dance step.

As the music quietly began and the first dancers appeared on stage, the air was filled with anticipation and excitement. The choreography of "The Brain," which explored the complexity of human thoughts and emotions, captivated the audience with its depth and emotional intensity. The dancers' movements were fluid and graceful, yet full of power and significance, conveying stories and ideas without a single word.

The lighting was carefully planned to emphasize the atmosphere and emotion of each scene. The surface of the lake reflected the beams of light, creating the illusion that the dancers were floating above the water. Every moment felt timeless and eternal, transporting the audience away from the worries of everyday life and into the enchantment of the dance.

As the performance concluded, applause erupted like thunder, echoing across the lake and the surrounding forests. The audience rose to their feet, expressing their gratitude and admiration for the dancers and the entire production team. The premiere of "The Brain" at Leigo Lake was undoubtedly an evening that will remain in the memories of all participants for a long time to come.

Leigo Lake, with its serenity and beauty, was the perfect companion to this special ballet performance, once again proving that art and nature can together create something truly magical.

Your AI Brain

15:30 Gates open

NB! To participate in the first act, arrive at the ticket gate by 16:30 to reach the correct starting point. Walking from the parking lot to the gate may take time.

16:30–19:30 FIRST ACT

A journey between three unique stages, with the audience divided into three groups. Detailed instructions will be sent to ticket purchasers. The journey involves walking through a meadow/field, with each walk lasting about 5–10 minutes.

Performers: Tõnu Õnnepalu, Jaan Aru, dancers from Tähtvere Dance Centre, Legowelt

19:30–20:30 Break

20:30–21:30 SECOND ACT
On the large concert lake. Performers: The Horn Collective. Dancers: Carlos Campo Vecino (Spain), Maria Solei Järvet, Anna Roberta, Aleksandra Kantola, Jevgeni Grib.

21:30–22:00 Break

22:00–23:00 THIRD ACT
Performers: Legowelt, Sander Mölder, The Horn Collective. Video artist Juho Lähdesmäki, light artist Margus Vaigur, fire and landscape art Tõnu Tamm.

Brains are not alone. They cannot be alone. Just as neurons exist only as a network, so do individual brains and individual consciousnesses. Experience is always, in some way, a collective, shared experience. We cannot separate our own part from it, but we can add our part to it, and indeed we do, willingly or unwillingly. However, what we add depends somewhat on us. There is a certain freedom here, if it exists anywhere at all. This is our life’s great opportunity, and it is what makes life itself an Opportunity. That is why it is so important. Yes, the absolute importance of a single, seemingly insignificant life is something fundamental.

Can it be danced? It must be.

Tõnu Õnnepalu

There are many different brains in the world. Chimpanzees, leopards, parrots, octopuses, and so on all have impressive brains. But for some reason, only one species—our human species—stands out for gathering at Leigo Lake to watch and create ballet. What sets us apart from the others? If we go back 300,000 years, we probably weren’t a very remarkable species. What happened? How did we get here? The ballet tells the story of human evolution. It’s a story of how our curious brains have created the modern world and, for example, led to all the amazing technology that makes this performance at Leigo Lake possible. Humanity’s progress has been powerful. Will it continue? How do we move forward from here? I hope this evening brings new thoughts.

Jaan Aru

Leigo lake music 25

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, Leigo Lake Music will present the ballet "The Brain" on August 10, 2024. This ballet is a collaboration between Estonian neuroscientist Jaan Aru, writer Tõnu Õnnepalu, composers Timo Steiner and Sander Mölder, electronic music legend Legowelt, and choreographer Teet Kask. Leigo Lake Music 2024 is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.

On stage, the performers will include electronic music legend Legowelt (Netherlands), Sander Mölder, and The Horn Collective, featuring Allan Järve (trumpet), Jason Hunter (trumpet), Allan Kaljaste (alto saxophone), Keio Vutt (tenor saxophone), Ingvar Leerimaa (bass trombone), and Enri Remmelgas (tuba). The dancers will include Carlos Campo Vecino (Spain), Maria Solei Järvet, Anna Roberta (Estonian National Ballet), Aleksandra Kantola, Jevgeni Grib (Estonian National Ballet), and dancers from Tähtvere Dance Centre.

The visual spectacle will be crafted by fire and landscape artist Tõnu Tamm, lighting artist Margus Vaigur, designer-architect Ülar Mark, and Finnish video artist and animator Juho Lähdesmäki.

The team behind the production includes producer Tiiu Tamm, project managers Ulla Juske and Helis Heiter, production assistants Triinu Arak and Klaara Kollist, designer Kadri Vahar, fire team coordinator Indrek Leht, volunteer coordinator Marianne Sandra Teng, volunteer logistics manager Mart Uibo, ticket sales coordinator Piret Püü, and technical management and construction by Alo Puustak, Eero Druus, and Jaagup Tamm. The marketing team consists of Fundamental, Katrin Ruus, and Karmen King.

Technical solutions are provided by Eventech, UC Rent, and DGR. Many dedicated volunteers are contributing to the success of the event.

Leigo Lake Music extends its thanks to all the wonderful volunteers, Von Krahl Theatre, Eventech, DSV, Prike, Valmiermuiža, Otepää Meat Industry, Muhu Bakers, Salvest, Epiim, the Tartu 2024 Foundation, and Tere Piim.

The activities of the European Capital of Culture are supported by A. Le Coq, Delfi Meedia, Topauto, and Lux Express.